Emily Ventress
Candidate No: 2263
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Question 2
Main product:
Ancillary texts:
To the left is a Prezi presentation where you can see the physical similarities that overlap through both ancillary products and my final main product.
Incase you are unable to view the this presentation here is what each slide says:
Slide one:
Main product
embed Youtube video of the final Westview High trailer (my main product), also available above to the left.
Slide two:
Ancillary Product 1: a listings magazine font cover featuring the new soap
I couldn't use the same typography or colours as to what's on the poster or in the main product as it wouldn't have made the TV listings magazine cover look professional so I used the bright blues,
Part 1: Comparing physical similarities between ancillary tasks and main product
Part 2: The importance of continuity in marketing campaigns
yellows and pinks.
characters: the characters featuring on the front of the TV listings magazine are the same as who feature in the main product
names: the names featuring in the main product are the same as on the cover
plot: same plot features on the ancillary product as to the main piece
Slide three:
Ancillary Product 2: a poster for the soap
dark: the trailer feels quite dark & poster reflects that
slogan: 'Kids can be cruel', the same slogan as what features in the main product. I also used the same fonts.
wording: 'Term starts' - same as title screen in main product
emblem: having the emblem feature adds continuity
Incase you are unable to view the the presentation above, here is what each slide says:
Slide one:
What is continuity?
definition: 1. the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time. 2. the maintenance of continuous ction and self-consistent detail in the various scenes of a film or broadcast.
Continuity originates from the English: continue or continuous, something or things need to remain the same throughout advertising campaigns, that's usually things like typography, colours, slogans, imagery or layout.
Slide two:
The 3 models of advertising
Continuity: Basically, Continuity is where you advertise your product or service all year round, continuously giving the audience a little reminder that product/service still exists.
Fighting: The cheapest option out of the 3 is Fighting (also sometimes called Bursting), this is where you only advertise at the peak times for your product/service when the product demand is high. The adverts in this way run at very irregular intervals, for very shorter periods and sometimes no ads at all.
Pulsing: Pulsing is the combination of Continuity and Fighting, adverts are on all year round and at peak times but the peak times advertisements are much more noticeable and obvious.
For my product I think fighting would be best.
Slide three:
Why would fighting be best?
I think fighting would be best and most cost effective for my product as I can air the trailer on BBC1 a month or so before release date and then for the first couple of weeks of 'Westview High' being on once a week, the trailer would still air too with a 'catch up on iPlayer' at the end. This would be the total airing of the trailer, as this is it's most peak time.
Slide four:
Schedule of release
I have chosen Fighting as the best advertising model for my trailer as advertisements would only be aired at peak times. If my product was real I would air the full trailer a month, maybe 40 days, before 'Westview High' would be released. I would also release the posters the same sort of time, predominately on bus stop billboards. The week before airing the first Westview High episode on TV, my TV listings magazine cover would be the cover of TV Choice, again raising awareness of the programme.
Slide five:
The importance of continuity
Successful marketing campaigns' key is to be instantly recognisable of the brand before the audience has had time to read/work-out the company, this is often produced through repetitively using the same typography, layout, colours or imaging of a company's advertisements. This becomes effective advertising by helping the business' advertisement to be more memorable, presents who the marketing campaign is advertising and what products or services the business offers to the viewer more quickly. The message represented needs to be consistent with previous and future advertisements. When a customer is presented with your business card, brochure, catalog, billboard, newspaper ad, television ad, website or any other materials, it should be apparent that there is a recognisable link with the same brand or company.
Part 3: If it was real...
Incase you are unable to view the presentation below here is what each slide says:
Slide one:
Is it realistic enough?
I think my main product, along with the two ancillaries have potential in the market. The closest thing to it is the likes of things such as Waterloo Road, Grange Hill but there are no current light-hearted soap operas set in a school on mainstream channels, there for my product wouldn't be in competition at the moment. Targeting the programme in the right places will be key to get the right audience attracted, magazines teens read can be used to put my poster on and also displaying it as a bus stop billboard will be effective as teens often use the bus if they are not old enough to drive.
Slide two:
Posters will come out mid January, 2 months before first airing of the first Westview High episode
I would like my poster to be released predominately as a magazine page in magazines that attract a youth audience such as NME. This will help attract my target audience as already make Westview High look 'cool'. I would also be putting my poster on bus stop billboards explained on the previous slide.
Slide three:
Trailer will come out mid February, 1 month before first airing of the first Westview High episode
I'd like the first advert to be in a well viewed programme like how the first of each Christmas advert is in the prime time Saturday night TV shows' ad break. I realise you pay much more for a popular programme's ad break but this should be
a worthwhile investment if it meant more viewers of Westview High. However, as I have chosen the BBC to air my trailer the equivalent of the 'ad break' will be the in between on their programmes. EastEnders is likely to be one of their most viewed programmes, Friday's episode of EastEnders is always their most dramatic to lead up to a cliff-hanger weekend, for this reason I'd like to air the first trailer after the Friday's episode of EastEnders that week.
Slide four:
Where to exhibit
Poster: Bus stop, NME magazine, other youth targeted magazines
TV listings cover: Front cover of TV Choice (physical paper version), front cover of TV Choice (online version - www.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk)
Trailer: BBC1 television channel
Slide five:
What order things happen
Mid Jan: Poser release, predominately as a magazine page in magazines that attract youth audience such as NME, also on bus stop billboards.
Mid Feb: Trailer on TV in Fighting model as explained in the presentation above.
13-20th March: TV listings magazine cover release for TV Choice
15th March 9pm: Wednesday 15th March 2017 9pm: first episode of Westview High aired
16-29th March: Continued airing of trailer with 'catch up on iPlayer' at the end.