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How does my media product represent particular social groups?

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Slide one: 

How does my media product represent parictular social groups? by Emily Ventress


Slide two:

Embeded video of Blank, our media product of a Film Noir style opening title sequence:


Slide three:

What is a social group?

(in simple terms)

  • Collection of people

  • They share similarities

  • 'Sense of unity'

  • Don't usually interact with eachother


Slide four:

What is Representation?

(in simple terms)


The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.


Me and Chloe had to think of ways we wanted to portray the characters and Mise-en-Scène for our media product so that we didn't offend anyone or confuse the audience.


Slide five:

What social groups are associated with our media product?

Femme Fatale (character):

  • Manipulative

  • British, young, white female

Everyman (character):

  • Phsycopath 

  • British, young, white, male


  • Rating: 15

  • Male 18-25

  • Thrill-seekers


Slide six: 

Femme Fatale

Although "manipulative women" isn't really a proper category of a social group it is the part our actress played as a femme fatale. Although she didn't have a big role, as all that's seen of her in the opening title sequence is a photograph, she did seem to be in control of the Everyman as he felt he needed to block her out of his mind and to burn the photo to delete evidence of her. He red lip stick comes with connotations of love and lust but also fear and danger as it is the colour red, the picture is her looking bold and confident. We made sure Beth Reid, our actress for our femme fatale, wore red lipstick and pulled a seductive and sexy but also manipulative expression on her face. I edited the photo to be all black and white apart from the colour splash of her lips, black and white represents the Film Noir old fasioned style and the increasing and decreasing of highlights and shadows helped to create the Mise-en-Scène of Film Noir genre. It is still the trend for higher classed women to be in black and white dress with red, bold make up. If me and Chloe were to make this into a real media product being the whole film of 'Blank' we would need to be careful of how we represent higher class women so we don't offend the public.


Slide seven:


A stereotypical Everyman in a Film Noir film is Films noir tend to revolve around anti heros who are flawed and morally questionable. They have normally had a troubled past which is still haunting them and are likely to get involved with a manipulative Femme Fatale, regreting their previous lover of a Girl-Next-Door type. They also commonly normally have a problem with alcohol, drugs or their own self esteem causing them to make bad decisions they blame themselves for. In our opening title sequence the audience only see the Everyman's face at the start and this is made to look like a clip from one of his tapes describing the dream he's just awoken from, this means at the time of filming it would've been early in the morning as if he'd just had a nightmare. This meant we didn't need Harry Colgan, the actor of our Everyman, to dress really smart but as if he'd just woken up. Therefore we were able to represent the Everyman as upper class, much like the Femme Fatale, as lower or working class do not typically dress this formal when at home.


Slide eight:

Why is it important to represent social groups correctly?

Offend - Not to offend people

Representing social groups incorrectly, e.g. in a racist, homophobic or sexist way could cause prejudism against that group.

Social Realism - Making it real

If this film was shown abroad and the characters or setting wasn't displayed as it really is it may make the audience see the country/region differently.

Empathy - Let the audience empathise

The audience won't be able to sympathise and/or empathise with the characters if they are unrealistically represented.


Slide nine:

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